Hope everyone has been having fun with this week's camping activities so far! Check out what we have for today!
1. Handwriting Formation Review (Straight Line Letters)
Get a small container or cookie tray. Fill it. (ie. sand, salt, flour, oatmeal, hair gel, shaving cream-whatever you have at home) and have your child use their finger, a paintbrush, closed marker, or anything that they can hold in their alligator fingers to make the letters. Remind them to use the correct formation. If you use sand, salt, flour, or oatmeal, hair gel, save it in a baggie or in the container to use again during the rest of the summer)
R- “Start at the top, Big Line Straight Down, Frog Jump Up, Little Curve to the Middle, Little Line diagonal slide to the Bottom”
K- “Start at the top, Big Line Straight Down, Frog Jump Up to the Center, Little Line diagonal slide up to the middle, Frog jump, Little line Diagonal slide down to the Bottom.”
A- “Start at the top in the Center, Big Line Diagonal slide down to the Bottom, Frog Jump Back to the Center, Big Line Diagonal slide down to the Bottom, Frog jump, Little Line across the Middle .”
M- “Start at the top, Big Line Straight Down, Frog Jump Up to the Top, Big Line Diagonal slide Down to the Bottom, Big Line Diagonal slide Back to the Top, Big Line Straight Down.”
W- “Start at the top, Big Line Diagonal slide Down, Big Line Diagonal slide back up to the Top, Big Line Diagonal slide Down to the Bottom, Big Line Diagonal slide Back up to the Top.”
N- “Start at the top, Big Line Straight Down, Frog Jump Up to the Top, Big Line Diagonal slide down to the Bottom, Big Line Straight up to the Top.”
X- “Start at the top, Big Line Diagonal slide down to the Bottom, Frog Jump to the opposite corner, Big Line Diagonal slide down to the Bottom.”
Y-“Start at the top, Little line Diagonal slide down to the Middle, Frog Jump to the opposite corner, Big Line Diagonal slide down to the Bottom corner.”
Z. “Start at the top, Little line across the top, Big Line Diagonal slide down to the Bottom, Little Line across the Bottom.”
2. Flashlight Letter Fun (ELA)
-Use the Letterlander cards from the previous weeks and this week or create your own letter cards at home.
-Place the letter cards around a room in your house (ie: tape them to a wall, placed on a shelf, on the floor)
-Give your child a flashlight and turn it on. You can either keep the room light on or ask your child if they would like to shut the lights out to find the letters.
-Encourage your child to use the flashlight to find the letters scattered around the room.
-They can then record the letters they find on the recording sheet above or have they label the letter and/or sound orally.
3.”Campfire” Marshmallow Tossing (Math)
-Marshmallows or cotton balls (set of 10)
-bucket or pail
- Set of number cards (on index cards, write numbers 1 through 10 on the cards, then have your child trace the numbers for a challenge)
How to Play:
-Place the number cards in a pile
-Have your child pick a number card and then name the number
-Have them count out the number of marshmallows on the card
-Then for a fun twist, have them stand 2-3 feet away from the bucket
-Have them gently toss the marshmallows into the bucket
Challenge: Have them name how many marshmallows are inside the bucket and how many are outside of the bucket. Ask them to identify if they have more inside or outside. Are the totals equal?
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