Thursday, September 3, 2015

First Week of School September 8-11

First Week of School

We will begin our school year getting to know each other and establishing classroom routines. During the month of September, we will be focusing on developing classroom expectations, routines, and getting to know each learner. Our books for the first several weeks will pertain to transitioning to school and feelings about coming to school.
We will also use these books to have the students become familiar with our curriculum approach which is to use books to build on our classroom activities.

Book This Week:
The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom

Small Groups:
Literacy Small Groups
-Alphabet Bingo- Students will identify and label uppercase letters on their bingo boards.  We will then color the box or trace the letter on the board.
-Letters in my Name/Letters not in my name- Students will cut strips of letters then sort into 2 categories of in my name and not in my name
-Story Sequencing-After listening to our story, we will discuss events that happened.   Then we will cut pictures from the story then place in order to retell the story to reinforce left to right progression.  Students will verbally retell the events.

Math Small Groups
-Patterning- We will create patterns using pictures from the Kissing Hand
-Graphing- We will spin a spinner that has pictures from our story.  Then we will record by coloring one box to show which picture the spinner landed on. We will then count to see which picture we recorded the most and least.
-Roll a Dice- We will roll a number cube. We will identify the number then find the same number on our papers then color it. 
-Self Portraits and Name writing samples (We will add these to your child's portfolio to monitor the wonderful progress they will make in preschool this year)

Handwriting/Fine Motor Skill Development Activities
-Playdough Pinching and Rolling
-Squeezing sponges (to develop pincer grasp) to transfer water into a cup
-Pom-Pom pickup (We will roll a number cube then use our alligator fingers to pick up the correct number of pom-poms)

Art Table- Tissue Paper Collages for first letter in our names
Block Area- blocks
Sand Table- Chicka, Chicka Trees, beans(as the coconuts), and letters
Book Area- Exploring Books about school
Easel-Markers and paper
Writing Table- crayons and paper
Dramatic Play- dishes, cookware, and food (restaurant role play)
Math, Puzzles, and Manipulatives- Pattern Blocks
Science - Looking in mirrors (to connect with drawing our faces during small groups)
Rug- Farms

Science/Social Studies Circle
- We will be focusing on our curriculum of Preschool Life Skills during this time to help us transition into our new classroom.
1. When I call your name, stop what you are doing, look at me, and say ,"Yes".
-Discussing how we sit and listen in a group (our community classroom)

Songs, Word Plays, and Language
-Action Bingo Song:
There was a class that had a boy/girl, and _____was his/her name-o
(Each child chooses an action for others to follow)
Jump, Jump, (name), Jump, Jump, (name), Jump, Jump, (name) ,
We're glad you're in school today.
-If your happy and you know it.
-Here we are together at school
-Our Good Morning Chant
-The Cub of Day, Who will it be?
-ABC Rock by Steve and Greg
-Number Rock by Steve and Greg

Classroom Motivational System
We will be learning classroom routines and expectations within our new classroom.  In order to create a successful and rewarding environment, each child will have a motivational system. Our classroom system promotes positive classroom behavior through positive peer modeling and teachers providing positive reinforcement for desired behaviors.  This system can be explained more thoroughly in a tab on this blog.  

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