Friday, February 18, 2011

World of Color- February 28-March 4

World of Color - Week 3
Theme Concepts– This week we will continue our Unit 4 of the Owl, World of Color. During this unit students will interact with colors explore topics such as color mixing, stains, fading, camouflage, and color patterns. Students will learn that color can be found in nature, that color can carry information, that paints and dyes are used to color things, colors can be mixed to make new colors and that sun and washing can make colors fade.

Weekly Reminders
This week the color is Yellow
During our color unit we will be having a "color day". Please have your child wear the color of the day and/or bring something from home that is that color. Color day will on Thursdays.

Dog's Colorful Day by Emma Dodd
The Lion and The Little Red Bird
Dear Juno

Small Groups
-Remove One- Children will be exposed to the concept of taking away or subtracting.  They will create a book and using manipulatives to take away or subtract one from a set of numbers.

-Mixing Colors with Paper Towels- We will be exploring how colors mix and make new colors.  We will use eye droppers in diluted paint to put on an absorbant paper towel. We will observe and discuss how paints mix together. Eye droppers will further develop our fine motor skills.

-Exploring Books- We will discuss the letter D. We will talk about which books have the letter D in their titles. (Dog's Colorful Day and Dear Juno). Then we will create a dog along with pictures of D words to reinforce the letter and sound.

-Paper Fading Book- We have been conducting an experiment to see how paper will fade in the sunlight. We have left paper in the sun for 1 week and 3 weeks. We will finish our experiment and complete our book to see what we have learned.

-Color Swatches- We will sort and match fabric swatches by colors. We will then put the colors swatches in a chart.

-Book Browsing- Using our characters from The Lion and the Little Red Bird, we will create a positional book to reinforce concepts such as above, below, between, and next to.

**We have small groups in groups of three. Some of these activities will carry over to next week.
- Easel –Ice Cream Painting
-Sensory table- Sand- Digging for Buried Treasure
-Dramatic Play- Art Store(Children will buy supplies then go and create something for our art gallergy)
-Art Table- Mixing paint to create new colors and labeling them (ex-red and white= pink lemonade)
-Writing Center – Colored Pencils
-Library- Books about colors
-Fine Motor-small different colored snap blocks
-Blocks –Little People Schools
-Manipulative- colored shapes with design cards

Let’s Talk About It (oral language development)
-Discuss how words inspire color names. For example, lemon yellow, watermelon red, green grass). Lets think of ways to name colors?
-In the Lion and the little red bird, the characters appreciated each other. Did any one today do something you appreciated? (Example: A friend helped you open your snack, Someone shared a marker with you.)
Songs, Word Plays and Letters
1)Colors Song
2) Bananas
3) Five Green and Speckled Frogs
4) Green grass
5) What are you wearing?
6) Can you think of words that rhyme with__?
7) Stand Up (color recognition song)
8) Ice Cream Math Chant

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