Friday, October 1, 2010

Families Unit- Week 3 October 4-8

Families Theme
Children will be exploring and talking about families and the many different ways families relate to and help one another. Through the Story Time books, children will hear about a boy who helps his family take care of his baby sister, a boy who realizes how much he has grown when a new baby arrives, a girl who behaves badly when she want attention, and a lonely stuffed bear who finds a new friend. Besides listening to stories, children will begin to recognize initial sounds in words and identify rhyming words as they build vocabulary and comprehension skills. They will also be participating in a variety of music, poetry, mathematics, science, and art activities during Center Time and in Small Groups.
Theme Concepts:
*Family members have role names: mother, father, sister, and so on.
*Some family members live together; some live in other places but are still family members.
*Grown-ups in a family take care of the children. Younger children need more care. Older children can help take care of younger brothers and sisters.
*Children sometimes get angry at parents and may feel that their parents don't love them as much as their siblings.
*Sometimes grown-ups in a family don't like things that children do and tell them to stop or be quiet.
*Families do things together that are fun.

Books This Week:

Peter's Chair by Ezra Jack Keats
Whistle for Willie by Ezra Jack Keats
Noisy Nora by Rosemary Wells

Small Groups:
Math- Which Bear Is First In Line?- Children will learn ordinal number names(first,second....) by using bear manipulatives in a hands on lesson.

-Science- Exploring Sound Cans- Children will use various materials(beads, paperclips, cotton..) and place them in metal coffee cans.  We will discuss how each can sounds and use describing words such as loud, soft, clang, rattle, muffled, banging.

-Baby Game- Each child will be given a board with various pictures of babies.  They will roll a number cube, identify the number, then count out the correct number of mini baby bottles to put on each baby. This will reinforce number identification skills along with 1:1 coorespondence.

-Marble Play- Each child will be given a marble to investigate.  Using a magnifying glass we will look at how every marble is different. Then children will be given a box and and tubes to experiment how marbles move.  They will be able to add materials to their box to see how the marble reacts and sounds when their marble hits other materials.

-Alphabet Bingo- This game will be playing with uppercase letters.

-Name Matching- Each child will be given a board with empty boxes(the correct # of boxes for letters in their name). Then they will be given the letters of their name which they will attach to the board. As an extention, children will be asked to cut and glue the letters of their name on a similiar board.

**Please note that some of our small groups will continue next week.
-Dramatic Play- Reading Aloud to Baby Dolls (board books and dolls will be provided to encourage pretend reading to babies).
-Sensory Table- We painted a box and put tubes through. We will roll marbles in the tube in the sensory table
-Art Table- Clay Dough with Baking Props
-Writing- Using word cards to encourage children to write words and draw pictures about families(Word Card Words- Mom, Dad, Family, Baby, Dog, Cat)
-Blocks- Marble Runs. Child created marble runs will be provided.
-Puzzles-Fabric swatches in the shape of clothing along with paper doll cutouts will be provided. We will discuss textures and colors of textures.
-Library/Literacy- Exploring theme related books.
-Painting with marbles using various paints.
Songs, Word Play, and Letters
-Owl song
-Five Green and Speckled Frogs
-Dr. Jean Alphabet
-Five Little Ducks
-Down by the Bay
-I'm a Little Teapot
-If your name starts with ____ raise your hand

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