Thursday, February 6, 2020

Jungle week 3 (Feb.10-14)

Unit Book: 
Giraffes Can't Dance
Weekly Question and Vocabulary Related to book:
What makes each animal special? What makes you special?
(clumsy, slim, baboon, warthog, amazing)

Meet our Letterlander of the Week: 
Red Robot
We will continue to have a special art project based on this Letterlander.   We are creating an alphabet book that will be completed by the end of the school year.

This week we will be doing the following letter activities in small groups: 
Sorting Uppercase and Lowercase: R and r
Fine motor activity to reinforce letter this week: Red salt in trays

We will be reinforcing "alligator fingers" and "always start your letters at the top.

Small Groups
Elephants Ears- We will be making elephant ears to help us be better listeners to the first sound in words. We will put on our ears and then listen to a word a teacher says. We will say the sound and then find the elephant with the letter on it that makes the same sound.

Save the Animals- Fine motor activity- The animals need our help. Our jungle animals will have rubber bands tied on them and they will be taped to the table. It is our job to use our "alligator fingers" to pull the bands and tape off to free all of them.

Patterns- We will use legos to create a variety of patterns. We will then record our patterns by coloring on a recording sheet. We will compare our patterns with our friends to see how they are the same or different.

Syllable Segmenting- We will be working on our syllable segmenting using jungle words. After we clap the jungle vocabulary, we will then cut and sort the words based on the number of syllables we hear in the words.

Beginning Sounds in the Jungle- After we are given 3 pictures, we will name the pictures and then identify the 2 pictures that share the same sounds. We will place the 2 same sound pictures in the jungle and the picture that does not share the same sound will go in the river.

Valentine Exchange- We will give our friends their valentines in a whole group activity. We will reinforce conversational words such as "Lisa, Happy Valentine's Day" and"Thank you" as we give our friends their cards. We will also remind them to look at their friends in the eyes as they are talking to them.

Art Table-Valentine's Day Bag decorating
Block Area- Zoo animals 
Sensory Table- Cornstarch and Water
Book Area- Exploring Books about jungle and desert
Writing Table-Jungle Stamping
Dramatic Play-Hot Cocoa (making cocoa for our friends)
Rug- Safari jeeps, animals, and people

Science/Social Studies/Math Circle Concepts
-What is a pattern?
-What special skills/traits does each animal have?

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