Friday, May 13, 2016

Make It Move Unit 8 Week 2 May 16-20

Make It Move  Unit 8 Week 2
Unit Book:  A Little Bit More

Weekly Question and Vocabulary Words:
What can we do to make things move?
(push, pull, roll, weigh, heavy, light)

Literacy Small Groups
Pushing and Pulling Sounds
This week, we have been learning that we can move things by using force to push or pull them.  Using magnetic letters, we will experiment with words by pushing away the beginning sounds to find out what’s left in the word.  Then, we will push the beginning sound back to say the word together again.  For example, if we pull away the c in the word “cat,” we are left with the word “at.”  When we push the letter c back into the word we have “cat” again.  Practice playing with words at home by taking away the beginning sounds to find out what’s left.  

Lowercase Letter m Formation

We will learn to write the lowercase letter m . Lowercase m is a diving letter.  It starts at the top and dives straight down.   We will practice this letter using magna doodles, chalkboards, salt trays, etc.  We will rainbow write and pencil practice the letter m as well.
I’m a Big Kid
We will discuss how we have changed as we have grown from a baby to a big kid! We will write and illustrate what we were like as a baby and what we are like now.  We will say each word carefully and listen for the sounds we hear.  We will also use details to illustrate how we have changed.  
Lowercase Letter r formation
We will learn to write the lowercase letter r . Lowercase r is a diving letter.  It starts at the top and dives straight down.   We will practice this letter using magna doodles, chalkboards, salt trays, etc.  We will rainbow write and pencil practice the letter r as well.

Journal Writing
This week, we will learn that we can move things by pushing or pulling them with our muscles.  In our journals this week, we will write about what else we use our muscles for.  We will continue to practice slowly saying words to hear each sound and writing the letter that makes that sound.  Remember, it is perfectly okay that your child writes any sound he/she hears, even if it is not the perfect spelling of a word.  He/She will learn the rules of spelling in future years.  

Math Small Groups
Comparing Equal Lengths
We will compare lengths of cube towers and work to make their lengths equal.  We will work with towers that have a set number of cubes and cannot be broken.  We will use sets of green and red cubes to make towers that are the same lengths as the taller yellow towers.  We will record our work on our sheets.

Going to New Heights
We will continue to use cubes to measure lengths that are equal to the lengths of the characters from our story this week.  We will make towers that are the same lengths as cut outs from our story and count the number of cubes we used for each.  

Roll a Tower Partner Game 
Working with a partner, we will roll dot dice to build towers with that number of cubes.  After each round we will compare which tower was tallest.  We will record our work and circle the taller tower  in each round.

Number Formations
Using the Handwriting Without Tears program as a guide, we will continue to practice forming numbers 1-10.  This week, we will review numbers 1-5 using wooden sticks, chalkboards or magna doodles and in our letter formation books.

Art Table- car track painting

Sensory Table- marble mazes
Book Area- Exploring Books about movement
Easel-Markers and paper
Writing Table-Building a playground
Dramatic Play- Vet (measuring and weighing animals)
Math, Puzzles, and Manipulatives- Weighing Station
Rug- Doll houses
Block Area- blocks to measure with

Science/Social Studies/Math Circle Concepts
-Push and Pull
-Starting Line (where we start when measuring)
-Taller and Shorter
-Working Together

Preschool Life Skills 
- We will be focusing on our curriculum of Preschool Life Skills during this time to help us transition into our new classroom.
1. When I call your name, stop what you are doing, look at me, and say,"Yes".
2. When I give you an instruction, do it "right a
(Ask your child what do you do when your teacher tells you to do something.  They should reply "I do it right away." You can reinforce this at home too.  "Put your legos away and do it "right away""
3. When I give you  instructions, do them "right away" (multi-step directions)
4. When something is too hard say "Help me please"
5. When you want something from a teacher or friend, say "Excuse Me" to get their attention
6. When you want something from a teacher or friend, say "Excuse Me" to get their attention and then use your asking words(ie. May I have a turn?)

Songs, Word Plays, and Language
-Our Good Morning Chant
-Vowel Bat
-Big Pig 
-Alphabet Chant using sign language
-Letter Sounds

Classroom Motivational System
We will be learning classroom routines and expectations within our new classroom.  In order to create a successful and rewarding environment, each child will have a motivational system. Our classroom system promotes positive classroom behavior through positive peer modeling and teachers providing positive reinforcement for desired behavior

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