Thursday, March 3, 2011

World of Color March7-11

World of Color - Week 4 (Last week of Colors Unit)
Theme Concepts– This week we will continue our Unit 4 of the Owl, World of Color. During this unit students will interact with colors explore topics such as color mixing, stains, fading, camouflage, and color patterns. Students will learn that color can be found in nature, that color can carry information, that paints and dyes are used to color things, colors can be mixed to make new colors and that sun and washing can make colors fade.

Weekly Reminders
This week the color is Your Favorite Color
During our color unit we will be having a "color day". Please have your child wear their favorite color and/or bring something from home that is that color. Color day will on Thursdays.

The Lion and The Little Red Bird
Dear Juno
Cat's Colors
Mouse Paint

Small Groups
-Paper Fading Book- We have been conducting an experiment to see how paper will fade in the sunlight. We have left paper in the sun for 1 week and 3 weeks. We will finish our experiment and complete our book to see what we have learned.

-Color Swatches- We will sort and match fabric swatches by colors. We will then put the colors swatches in a chart.

-Book Browsing- Using our characters from The Lion and the Little Red Bird, we will create a positional book to reinforce concepts such as above, below, between, and next to.

-Pattern Game- We will create patterns in a frame shape. Then we will draw a self portrait in the frame.  We will be saving this for the children's portfolios.

-Spray Bottles and Clear Tubing with colored water.  We will be spraying colors into clear tubes and watching what new colors we can create.  We will also be spraying white lids to watch how the colors mix on a surface.

-Writing- We will be "writing" letters to a secret pen pal in our classroom. Then we will go to the post office(really the high school mail room) and mail our letters.   This is related to how in Dear Juno, the character wrote to his grandmother far away. Children will recieve their letters at home in a few days to find out who their classroom pen pal was.

-Journal writing- We will be writing in our journals about our favorite color.

- Easel-color ball painting
-Sensory table- Modeling Sand and shapes
-Dramatic Play- Post Office Store (cash register, money, stamps, packing supplies, boxes)
-Art Table-  mixing 2 primary colors to create a new color of their choice
-Writing Center – Writing Letters
-Library- Books about colors
-Fine Motor- color hunt in classroom. They will search for 3 primary colors in our classroom then draw and write what they found.
-Blocks –  Building Blocks

Let’s Talk About It (oral language development)
-Discussing how animals are many different colors.(Bluejays, flamingos, cardinals, penguins) We will look a pictures and discuss what we see.
-We will discuss how colors in signs help us to know what to do. (Red=stop signs, green on traffic light means go, orange cones in the road tell us to be careful.....)
Songs, Word Plays and Letters
1)Colors Song
2) Bananas
3) Five Green and Speckled Frogs
4) Green grass
5) What are you wearing?
6) Can you think of words that rhyme with__?
7) Stand Up (color recognition song)
8) Ice Cream Math Chant

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