Friday, February 26, 2010

World of Color Week 2

Theme – This week we will continue our Unit 4 of the Owl, World of Color. During this unit students will interact with colors explore topics such as color mixing, stains, fading, camouflage, and color patterns. Students will learn that color can be found in nature, that color can carry information, that paints and dyes are used to color things, colors can be mixed to make new colors and that sun and washing can make colors fade.

We are focusing on the color blue this week.

Please have your child wear blue on Thursday.

We will be also be watching the video "Max's Dragon
Shirt on Thursday.  The students have loved this story so they will love seeing the video.

Stories – Max’s Dragon Shirt - Rosemary Wells.
Dog’s Colorful Day- Emma Dodd
Cat’s Colors – Jane Cabrera

Small Groups
-Science – Will Colored Paper Fade? We will predict if colored construction paper will fade when exposed to light for 1 week and 3 weeks.
-Math- Making AB and ABC patterns using colored bear manipulatives
-Games- Alphabet Memory. We will be matching uppercase to their lowercase partner in this version of memory.

Choice: -
- Easel – Dog’s Colorful Day painting with bingo dobbers
-Sensory table – Blue colored water with funnels and bottles to fill
- Laundry Center - Students are Washing, Drying and Folding Clothes
-Language- creating blue collage headbands and writing the word blue on them
- Library-Books about colors
- Blocks -blocks

1) Clap Your Hands
2) Bingo
3) If You Happy
4) Green grass
5) Down By the Bay
6) Bananas
7) Five Little Monkeys

Poems: Hands on Shoulders, The Snowman

Thursday, February 25, 2010

World of Color Pictures

We sorted dark and light clothes in our dramatic play area this week.  We turned our stove and oven into a washer and dryer.  We also explored bubbles in the water table. We used different items to create more bubbles like whisks and squeeze bottles.

We read Max's Dragon Shirt this week.  At the easel we created our own dragon shirts.

We loved sorting and washing all of our teacher's "dirty clothes".

We created and wore our red headbands on "red day".
We used legos in our block area this week to enhance our color unit.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Valentine's Day Theme

February 8- 12
Theme – Our theme this week will be based on Valentine’s Day and the Post Office.

This week we are reading:
Guess How Much I love You by Sam McBratney
Mama Do You Love Me? by Barbara Joosse

Small Groups this week
*Color Sorting Chart- Each child will be given a bag of valentine’s candy hearts. They will be sorting and creating a chart with their hearts. We will compare our charts with our friends. (For example, Who has the most pink hearts?, Who has the least pink hearts?) (Math)
*Beginning Letter Sound Matching Game- Children will look at pictures and listen to the beginning sound of each picture. They will match the correct picture with the beginning sound of each picture. (Letter Awareness)
*Shhh! – We will be working on a secret project this week in our small groups.

Choice Activities this week:
Art: Painting our clay creations from last week
Easel: Using red and pink paint on heart shaped paper
Writing: writing letters and creating stamps
Dramatic Play: Post Office
Sand and Water table: pink colored rice with funnels and cups for exploring
Blocks: blocks with cars (discussing how cars
Puzzles and Manipulatives: Puzzles

Songs: H-E-A-R-T; Five Little Valentines; Skidamarinky dinky dink; Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands.

Special News
We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on February 11. Please send in valentines for your child to share with their friends. We have 13 friends.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fun with Clay and Birthday Pictures

Today in school we made clay with flour, salt and water. After mixing and kneading the clay we explored the clay.  We cut hearts into the clay. Then we stamped the first letter of our name into the clay.

Objectives of  Activity: Students learned about the physical properties of clay. They made observations how the clay changed after we took it out of the oven to dry.

We also celebrated a birthday today!! We wore princess and prince crowns to celebrate their special day.