Our End of the Year Family Celebration: Friday June 5
-Show of Literacy Songs/ Slide Show Memories of our year
Our Last Day of School: Friday June 19
Camping Unit
Books This Unit
Bailey Goes Camping
Absolutely Not
Curious George Goes Camping
Molly Goes Hiking
Small Groups For This Week:
Week of June 1-5
Motor Monday-Language- Camping Vocabulary Books
1.Math- We will sort strips from shortest to longest then measure the strips. We will write numbers next to each strip to show how long each is.
2. Practice our show for our preschool friendsWeek of June 1-5
Motor Monday-Language- Camping Vocabulary Books
1.Math- We will sort strips from shortest to longest then measure the strips. We will write numbers next to each strip to show how long each is.
3. HWT- Diagonal Line Book
June 5- Day of our Family Celebration
Week of June 8-12
Motor Monday-Language- Camping Vocabulary Books continued
1.Math- Sets of 5. We will creates sets of 5 objects using camping pictures. This is to introduce simple addition sentences( 2+3=5)
2. Phonemic Awareness- We will play a rhyming memory game.
3. Science- Sink and Float Exploration with "canoes" and some cargo.
HWT- Using a door to write letters using flashlights- We will send home more information about this activity so you can do this at home with your child.
Week of June 15-19
Motor Monday- Sequencing Camping Scene- We will be coloring then sequencing a camping scene. We will give details about the pictures and try to tell an oral story about the sequence.
1. Art Project- Multi-step campfire activity.Using red and orange paint and cutting brown paper to create a campfire (This is a 2 day projects for small groups)
2.Math-Counters in a cup. We will be using marshmallows to count to 10. Then we will put some in the cup and leave others out of the cup. We will record how many different ways we will make 10.
3. Math- We will spin a spinner then record which picture is the outcome. We will create a chart and discuss math terms such as most, least, and equal.*"Camping Out" Celebration- Last Day of School Fun!!!
Rug Activity- Lincoln Logs/ Tinker Toys/ Legos
Science- Plastic bugs to explore with magnifying glasses/Plants
Art Table: Campfire craft/ collage with sticks and other outside materials
Blocks: building "campfires" with blocks and red tissue paper
Sensory Table: fishing for letters/ frogs on lily pads/water play
Book Area: books about The Great Outdoors
Writing Table: making camping lists/
Dramatic Play: BBQ cooking (hot dogs and hamburgers)/ Tent and Camping Props
Puzzles and Manipulative: puzzles
Let's Talk About It
-What activities do you do outside for fun?
-Outdoor Safety
-Book- When We go camping
-Book- Sheep takes a hike
-Book- When We go camping
-Book- Sheep takes a hike
-Cooking Outside(BBQ, camping, fishing for dinner)
-Recreational activities in the water(canoe, swimming,kayaking..)
-HWT- Using a door to write letters using flashlights- We will send home more information about this activity so you can do this at home with your child.
-What do you need to take on a camping trip?
-Recreational activities in the water(canoe, swimming,kayaking..)
-HWT- Using a door to write letters using flashlights- We will send home more information about this activity so you can do this at home with your child.
-What do you need to take on a camping trip?