Families Theme
Children will be exploring and talking about families and the many different ways families relate to and help one another. Through the Story Time books, children will hear about a boy who helps his family take care of his baby sister, a boy who realizes how much he has grown when a new baby arrives, a girl who behaves badly when she want attention, and a lonely stuffed bear who finds a new friend. Besides listening to stories, children will begin to recognize initial sounds in words and identify rhyming words as they build vocabulary and comprehension skills. They will also be participating in a variety of music, poetry, mathematics, science, and art activities during Center Time and in Small Groups.
Theme Concepts:
*Family members have role names: mother, father, sister, and so on.
*Some family members live together; some live in other places but are still family members.
*Grown-ups in a family take care of the children. Younger children need more care. Older children can help take care of younger brothers and sisters.
*Children sometimes get angry at parents and may feel that their parents don't love them as much as their siblings.
*Sometimes grown-ups in a family don't like things that children do and tell them to stop or be quiet.
*Families do things together that are fun.

Noisy Nora byRosemary Wells
Owl Babies
Peter's Chair by Ezra Jack Keats
Small Groups:
Continued from last week:
-Watch Me Count (1:1 correspondence/number recognition)
-I pad Playhome app (family related vocabulary)
-Family Vocabulary Books (matching letters/writing)
New this week:
-Paint Chip Matching- We will explore paint chips from a hardware store and match the colors. This is related to Peter's chair. His family painted his old blue chair to pink for his baby sister. As an extension, we will then match uppercase letters to their lowercase letters to create a paint chip train.
-Airplane Derby- We will create paper airplanes(just like Daniel airplane from our book Oonga Boonga). Then we will fly our planes and see how far they go. Children will then find the number that matches the distance the plane flew then put the same number sticker on their plane. We will compare our results with our friends.
-Peter's Chair Sequence- We will look at our unit book Peter's Chair and discuss the events in the story. Then each child will cut and paste the order of the story on a strip to retell the story through the pictures.

-Dramatic Play- Peter's house. We painted a large box and created a lifesized house for Peter. We have unit vocabulary inside as well. Children can role play the story "Peter's chair" with props.
-Sensory Table- Painting Peter's chairs (we will put chairs in the sensory table with pink colored water and have the children "paint" the chairs using paintbrushes.
-Art Table- bottle shakers
-Writing- unit words
-Blocks- Block Play with family people
-Math-Sorting buttons by color, shape, and number of hole
-Library- Books about families
Let's Talk About It
-Time for Bed book
-Paper Airplanes and other folded paper objects
-Mixing paint and paint chips (related to Peter's chair)
-Cook Books and Recipes (related to Noisy Nora; when she follows a recipe with her mom)
Songs, Word Play, and Letters
-Syllables in words (our names, character names, unit words)
-Rhyming Words Song
-Dr. Jean Alphabet
-Stand Up
-Down by the Bay
-If your name starts with ____ raise your hand, jump, clap your hands (following directions game)
-We will be continuing our color books for the Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum. We will focus on proper grasp holding our stubby crayons. We are working on our color and shape books.
Preschool Life Skills
We are continuing to review our previous skills 1-2.
1-When a teacher calls your name, stop, look and say, "Yes".
2-When a teacher tells you to do something, do it "Right Away".
We will beginning our new skill this week:
3-When a teacher tells you to do 2 things, do it "Right Away".(multi-step directions)