Snow Unit
Books This Week:
Good Night Baby Bear
Stella: Queen of the Snow
Small Groups For This Week:
1. Story Sequencing- After reading Good Night Baby Bear, we will recall the events in the story. Then each child will cut and glue the pictures from the story in the correct order from the story.
2.Math- Creating sets of objects- Each child will be given a collection of winter objects to cut. Then they will sort and create sets of two. Then each child will write the letters they hear in each of the winter words next to each set by listening the sounds in the word. (We call it ear spelling)
3. Art- We will color a picture of Stella( the character from our book). Then we will use epson salt on blue paper to look like snow. When it is dry we will put Stella in the "snow storm".

Art Table: Painting a television(a big box) to use later in the dramatic play area
Block Area:blocks with bears to create caves
Sensory Table: shaving cream
Book Area: books about weater
Easel:colored ice to paint with
Writing Table: writing shopping lists for winter clothes
Dramatic Play: weather channel role play
Puzzles and Manipulatives: matching different mittens
We willcontinuing a program called Handwriting Without Tears. It's focus is on letter formation and letter awareness. This program reinforces proper grasp and trying to strenghten fine motor muscles.
This week's activities: using wooden straight lines, wipe away boards, using frogs for our "frog jump letters" like the letter F (big line down, frog jump up, little line, little line)
Preschool Manners
We are moving onto our new skill.
-When you want soemething form a teacher or friend and they are doing something say, "Excuse me" to get them to look at you, then you say"May I____________?" to get what you want.